“Austen Translation” is a satirical strategy game set in the world of Jane Austen—a tongue-in-cheek riff on caustic rivalries, appalling preconceptions of the roles of women and men, and, of course, the unending quest to marry well. In “Austen Translation,” the player takes on the role of an innocent young woman who has to convince a wealthy bachelor to marry her so she can escape a future of poverty and destitution. But this isn’t your English teacher’s Jane Austen. Our game takes Jane’s genteel brand of satire and sends it over the top, creating an Austen experience which has gone completely off the rails. It’s an experience rife with dropping pianos, outrageous rumors, and mercilessly manipulated rivalries. A Jane for the digital ages, as it were. Available now on Steam
• Hybrid gameplay that combines elements of a strategy game and a visual novel
• Build your own distinctive heroine
• Randomized chapters and plot twists create a unique story experience for each playthrough
• Zany, oversized storylines set in a Jane Austen universe
• Quirky paper-doll illustration style
• Madcap multiplayer mode pits you against up to four human opponents
• Adaptive musical Score
launch trailer
news With the release of Steam’s new “Remote Play Together” feature, you can now play “Austen Translation” with friends even when you’re not all in the same room — or even the same time zone. Better still, only one of you needs to have a copy of the game to enjoy a match with up to four human players. So get out there and test your strategic social maneuvering skills against your nearest and dearest! |
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